Val The Family Sleep Coach

Say goodbye to sleepless nights and hello to sweet dreams in just three steps.

Discovery Call

A Free 20 minute phone call with Val where she will answer questions about sleep training methods, her services and certification, simple troubleshooting and more!

Personalized Sleep Plan

When you purchase a sleep plan from Val she will send over a questionnaire, and use that information to build a sleep plan. Next she will schedule a 30 minute call to discuss the plan, answer questions and select a start date for support.


Over the next 2 weeks, Val will provide text and email support as your family works through the sleep plan. At the end of the 2 week period, Val will schedule a final 30 minute wrap up call.

Working with a Sleep consultant has many advantages

Schedule a no obligation discovery call to findout how I can meet your family's needs

sleeping baby in crib

As a new parent, it's natural to want to provide the best possible care for your baby. However, if your little one is having trouble sleeping, it can be challenging to know how to help them. This is where a pediatric sleep consultant can be incredibly valuable. By working with a sleep consultant, you can get expert advice on how to establish healthy sleep habits for your baby, including creating a consistent sleep routine and establishing age-appropriate nap and bedtime schedules. Additionally, a sleep consultant can help identify any underlying sleep issues that may be impacting your baby's ability to sleep well and provide targeted solutions to address these issues.

One of the biggest benefits of hiring a pediatric sleep consultant is that you'll get personalized support and guidance that is tailored to your family's unique needs. Unlike generic sleep advice you may find online or in books, a sleep consultant can take into account your baby's specific temperament, developmental stage, and any unique circumstances or challenges you may be facing. This individualized approach can help you see faster and more effective results when it comes to improving your baby's sleep, which can in turn lead to better sleep for the whole family.